we make sure that your organization attains the maximum benefit out of change. Forget about difficult processes and resistance. Focus on achievements and enthusiasm! ChangeLab makes sure that the most important ingredient of your organization - the mindset of your employees - starts moving. We are Moving Minds! Change becomes dynamic and natural for your employees and customers. Thanks to our unique method, results are achieved on the ground. Clear and concrete.
we make sure that your organization attains the maximum benefit out of change. Forget about difficult processes and resistance. Focus on achievements and enthusiasm!
ChangeLab makes sure that the most important ingredient of your organization - the mindset of your employees - starts moving. We are Moving Minds! Change becomes dynamic and natural for your employees and customers. Thanks to our unique method, results are achieved on the ground. Clear and concrete.
We are constantly tracking this process of change. Because measuring is knowing! Through clear KPIs, ADKAR, and our unique LEAP methodology we are constantly keeping a close eye on change processes. What does not work in practice is resolutely swept aside. Because continuous improvement is our mission!
Change is only successful when everyone is on board. Even more so: when everyone actually has a desire for this change and promotes it enthusiastically! In a hyper-competitive global market, successful organizations distinguish themselves not only by power of continuous change, but especially by the speed with which they execute it. "You've got to move fast, so you need fast-moving minds!"
Changelab makes the right mindset grow and flourish in your workplace. The will and determination to keep learning, through trial and error, create unstoppable Moving Minds. It's the way to propel your organization to ever higher levels of success, making it the place where people love their job, where they are committed to putting your company or organization way ahead of the competition.
Any organization that wants to set a new course needs a clear goal and a team of strong navigators. ChangeLab gives you all the power and expertise you need to tackle change. Know your why! is the central message. Why are you going to change things? Why is a change of direction necessary?
Any organization that wants to set a new course needs a clear goal and a team of strong navigators. ChangeLab gives you all the power and expertise you need to tackle change. Know your why! is the central message. Why are you going to change things? Why is a change of direction necessary?
We will get to the bottom of it together. From there, you join forces with your employees. Together you stand behind an ironclad vision, and you are dedicated to the mission!
Next, we draw a roadmap to change, the step-by-step method to achieve the vision.
It is crucial to get a laser-like focus of what you want to change. Whether it's a digital turnaround or an innovation in collaborative processes, ChangeLab formulates concrete and achievable goals with your organization. We also give you the tools to make this happen. Think about the introduction of new ICT tools, ...
It is crucial to get a laser-like focus of what you want to change. Whether it's a digital turnaround or an innovation in collaborative processes, ChangeLab formulates concrete and achievable goals with your organization. We also give you the tools to make this happen. Think about the introduction of new ICT tools, more efficient meeting methods, the organization of teleworking, optimization of CRM ... A clear demarcation of what you want to tackle, ensures clarity for all parties involved. If you don't know what you're aiming for, you're always going to miss your target. But those who have a crystal-clear goal in mind stand an enormous chance of achieving it!
Do you and your team want to work differently? Less hierarchical, in an open culture, based on a different division of roles? Sounds great, but it is often easier said than done. How do you eliminate barriers between teams? How do you deal with conflicts? How do you create trust and change a bogged down mentality?
Do you and your team want to work differently? Less hierarchical, in an open culture, based on a different division of roles? Sounds great, but it is often easier said than done. How do you eliminate barriers between teams? How do you deal with conflicts? How do you create trust and change a bogged down mentality?
More than ever, it's time for Moving Minds! ChangeLab guides your organisation to flexible, transparent, and differently managed teams. Our coaching makes sure that this transition process moves in the right direction. Using methods such as agile working, we create original roles that lead to optimal forms of cooperation. In addition to change management, we also offer team coaching and can provide support in developing optimal forms of collaboration.
Working independent of time and place, hybrid forms of work, flex desks, a colleague who provides input from the other side of the world... New technologies often force us to adopt new forms of working as well. Where does all this work actually take place? And how do you maintain an overview and cohesion, with all those scattered team members?
Working independent of time and place, hybrid forms of work, flex desks, a colleague who provides input from the other side of the world... New technologies often force us to adopt new forms of working as well. Where does all this work actually take place? And how do you maintain an overview and cohesion, with all those scattered team members?
Also the decision to settle at a new office location often places your people in a state of uncertainty. What are the consequences of such a move? ChangeLab ensures that you have a grip on this new reality. Together with all stakeholders, we develop an optimal, flexible structure, which offers an answer to all these different demands. Because only when everyone feels truly "in place" - wherever that may be - will all the qualities and ambitions of your organization come to life!
No-nonsense & hands-on
At ChangeLab we don’t build castles in the sky. Our attitude is one of 'getting things done'. We buckle down and make sure concrete results are achieved. Change is not always easy. You can count on our extensive expertise and dynamic approach. Because Moving Minds is all about daring and doing!
Let’s get together!
Real change is something you implement together, it cannot be imposed top down or pushed from outside. That is why the involvement of all players is essential when working out your vision as an organisation. Everything revolves around experimenting and creating together. Because this is the only way to move forward! Moving Minds, therefore, stands for self-development, along with a sense of daring and initiative in your employees.
Seeing is believing!
When is the change in your organization successful? How do we monitor and measure the progress? Don’t worry! ChangeLab has all the tools to track and map the results: in numbers and on the work floor! A giant leap is always needed if you want to create real change. But in between there are numerous moments of progress, which we also make visible. "Respect the process and the journey.”
Take a leap
ChangeLab’s LEAP approach is based on a perfect cross between the Prosci ADKAR methodology, agile working and design principles. It consists of four phases:
Together we take a deep dive into your organization and determine the scope of the project. We explore the vision and determine strategic objectives. Next, we examine the organizational structure and readiness for change. We also put together a change team, consisting of team members and ChangeLab coaches.
Together we take a deep dive into your organization and determine the scope of the project. We explore the vision and determine strategic objectives. Next, we examine the organizational structure and readiness for change. We also put together a change team, consisting of team members and ChangeLab coaches.
During a stakeholder assessment we look at who is involved in the change process. During the impact analysis we seek to discover what the impact will be on your organization once these changes are implemented. Where can you expect resistance, for example? Finally, we analyze sponsorship and estimate possible risks.
Here we work out the project vision and draw up the actual change plan. We go for an enhanced vision and determine the key success criteria (KPIs). We also take care of the branding of the project, to get those minds moving. A communication, training and coaching plan is established.
Here we work out the project vision and draw up the actual change plan. We go for an enhanced vision and determine the key success criteria (KPIs). We also take care of the branding of the project, to get those minds moving. A communication, training and coaching plan is established. Next, in order to measure progress, we create a feedback loop. So we know at any time how your organization is doing. All this is based on the reliable method of Prosci ADKAR.
Here we apply the change plan in an interactive way, with permanent attention to communication, training and coaching. By experimenting (daring to fail) and collecting feedback, we find the right way of working.
Here we apply the change plan in an interactive way, with permanent attention to communication, training and coaching. By experimenting (daring to fail) and collecting feedback, we find the right way of working.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn! Moving Minds never stops. This message is also passed on during our team coaching sessions. Wherever there is a need, we use our team coaches to work on performance and positivity. Because living is growing, and growing is learning
"Persist, adapt and celebrate!" That's how the final phase can be summarised. Through analysis of system data and user experiences we measure progress. Results and success stories are shared. Goals and risk analyses are adjusted as needed.
"Persist, adapt and celebrate!" That's how the final phase can be summarised. Through analysis of system data and user experiences we measure progress. Results and success stories are shared. Goals and risk analyses are adjusted as needed.
LEAP offers a proven and pragmatic way to manage the human side of change projects. If you have a project or team where you can use support, we would be very happy to discuss the different options there are with you.
ChangeLab has brought a new wind to our IT projects.
About ChangeLab
At ChangeLab we are driven by the desire to turn changes in your organization into success stories! Whatever the motive – increasing efficiency, budget control, customer satisfaction, speed, retaining your staff – as a specialist in change management ChangeLab guides your entire organization through any possible change.
We make sure change becomes a matter of course, making it the driving force of growth in your organization. We make sure that every day your teams give the best of themselves and realize the impossible every time!
Meet the ChangeLab'ers
Satisfied customers
Would you also like to gain all the maximum benefits from change in your organisation? In a way that is clear, concrete and measurable? Then make sure to contact our ChangeLab team for an informal meeting. We look forward to helping you!
Keep Moving those Minds!
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